It was approximately 12 years ago that I stepped foot in the Cinema Secrets Showroom, I was 12 and I was there to accompany my aunt. We had been going around the metro to look for body make-up. See, she was an actress back then and her skin is white as milk. The directors of the movie and her role needed her to be tanned. After hours going in and out of cosmetic stalls in malls, we ended up in cinema secrets. There she didn't just haul, she HOARDED LIKE CRAZY! It is up to this day the biggest hoard I have ever witnessed with my presence. She bought sooo much it was crazy! If I remember correctly she had bought like 40 pieces of ultimate foundation in different colors. Her total bill? PHP30,000 (approximately $600USD) and that was back in 1999! Cinema Secrets was way cheaper then than what it is worth now. It was crazy!
A few years later I was in college, I stumbled on my aunt's make up (whom by that time was no longer active in show business and had stored all of her things in our spare house next door) and found 1 full sized cinema secrets pot. I swatched the product under my eye and was amazed its pigmentation. Since then it was my ultimate everyday essential. I was a sophomore in college and didn't really have a make-up craze unlike now. The pot lasted me more than a year! I was impressed. When time came I needed a new pot, I decided to check the kiosk but *sigh* too much that I could afford with my college girl allowance (I wasn't make up crazy then so I relied on free make up i.e pasalubong clinique promo bags hehe) because I couldn't afford it, I opted for VOV which was okay too. :)
Years later I was reunited with Cinema Secrets when I purchased the concealer palette in kit #2 from Maui. It's now my HG concealer, I'm just sad that the casing gave up on me and now I keep it protected using a rubber band and stored in a ziplock.
Now that I start make up school next Saturday, my biggest worry out of all was having a variation of foundation shades for all skin tones. And because now I'm practically broke from the fees and the make up crazy things I have been purchasing, my wonderful and beautiful supportive mother has been generous enough to lend me money for the make up I need for school. Like what she says, it's your investment anyway (so let's forget about the time she bought me figure skates because i wanted to be a skater but i lasted only 1 competition or the time I said i'll self study violin and be the greatest so she bought me a violin and for a year now I only know 1/4th of twinkle twinkle little star ! ---ERASE MEMORY-- ). I am serious this time. Promise :)
So I excitedly went to the Cinema Secrets showroom in Quezon Avenue to check out the foundies. I decided to go to the showroom and not the mall so that I could see the whole spectrum of shades and just stay there and play. Haha Also, they have lots of items that go on sale too in the showroom! And I LOVE SALES! You just have to look carefully and inspect the product you're getting. So because I wanted more for my money, I got the ones on sale. And here they are :)
Sounds odd I know, but i tried the yellow undertone series the ones meant for Asian skin, it was just too light for me. All the shades for that are mean for fair chinese girls. The shades I got were perfect and easily blended on my face. Photos were taken after I had sanitized each pot.
Here are the swatches accordingly:
Without Flash
So I got these shades so I can just mix and match for school and on people with skintones that have no match. I also bought the cinema secrets moisture spray for the purpose of mixing different shades together. Excited! I am excited!! :)
So while I was enjoying my time at the showroom, my best friend Ivan came by waited till I finished and we headed to Camp Suki to choose his costume for Halloween. That place is insane, It has all the costumes you need! And since his uncle is Lito Perez, the owner and designer of the place it was even more fun choosing and playing around with the costumes. We had a good laugh, check me out in a Thai dancing budha head gear.

And finally yayyy!! I am enrolled in Artistic Make up at LCI with Maui. :)

Classes start next week. It is gonna be sooo much fun! :)
It's goodnight in this part of the world.
Toodles! :)